(view in Firefox or Chrome) Figures and characters (proportional) 9876543210#¢¤$€ƒ₺₽£¥≈÷=>≥<≤¬−×≠+± 9876543210#¢¤$€ƒ₺₽£¥≈÷=>≥<≤¬−×≠+± 9876543210#¢¤$€ƒ₺₽£¥≈÷=>≥<≤¬−×≠+± 9876543210#¢¤$€ƒ₺₽£¥≈÷=>≥<≤¬−×≠+± 9876543210#¢¤$€ƒ₺₽£¥≈÷=>≥<≤¬−×≠+±
Ordinals 8a 9o>8a 9o
Capital Eszett as contexual alternate AßEN> AßEN
Case specific forms (centered/scaled to uppercase letters) n· ¡n¿ {n} [n] (n) —nl–n- «n» ‹n› |n@ ↓
H· ¡H¿ {H} [H] (H) —H–H- «H» ‹H› |H@
Dutch ij- and IJ-digraph with acute íj ÍJ>íj ÍJ
Turkish dotted i and dotless ı capitalisation ı i I İ>ı i I İ
The new version of Jura has been improved and extended to support more languages, including Vietnamese. This worklog tells the story of the process.
View full worklog on GF Discussions thread
Graphical features of Jura are closely related to the Kayah Li part, with an offset to the diagonal nature of some strokes, unique for this script. Another detail, Kayah Li lacks the roundness of Latin.
Monoline Master
I discovered a better method for generating this master: with the remove overlap option off. This produces a much cleaner result, and eliminates the need for a post-filter cleanup.
In a case of a modular typeface like Jura I tried to go with as few accent variants as possible. However some custom accents were built for this set.
Finish Line
The font inspector script was a great helper for refining metrics. I hope this time investment will pay off, and make kerning a lesser hassle.